So what do you get your Mom for Mo†her's Day? Flowers, maybe a box of chocolates, better yet a day at the spa....etc. etc. This year I decided to give my Mom a public gift from my heart! A tribute of sorts, a blog entry dedicated to her for the world to see(or maybe just the 2 or 3 people who find my blog interesting enough to read) Mom this is for you!
My Mom is beautiful inside and out, her heart is as vibrant as her striking white hair! By-the-way I love her white hair, she inherited it from my Grandpa George, and I'm crossing my fingers I'll inherit it too! My Mom loves to garden, and I don't say that lightly. I remember my friends from high school asking me why my Mom was outside at 1:00 am in her night gown with a spray bottle. Of course being the insecure teenager that I was, I was embarrassed that she would let my friends see her in her night gown and had to express my concerns to her. She then explained to me that deer don't like rotten eggs so if she sprays her roses with this solution then her "little rose babies" will be safe and sound. Now that is dedication! I vividly recall that during all of the summer months in the door of the fridge was a spray bottle filled with rotten eggs! Her talent for gardening is amazing, she can name and catergorize every plant with it's accompanying family, blooming period, growth potential, etc.
-My Mom loves unconditionally, In a crowded room she would prefer to talk to the teenager with the nose ring and mohawk, she has a way with teenagers, outside appearance and rebellious attitudes mean nothing to her.
-My Mom is nurturing beyond words. During my toughest moments and trials, she is the one, along with Garrett of course, that can make things "all better."
-My Mom is so smart! She graduated with a masters degree in English, and loves to read. I would love to know exactly how many books she has read in her lifetime. She's current on politics and I love to hear her political views! Along with my Dad she as taught our family the importance of an education and dedication to your talents. Here is a brief family brag moment:
5 of 6 children played college basketball(sorry I ruined the perfect record, wink)
All 6 of her children will graduate or have graduated from college, and even one graduated with a PHD
-So Mom take this with a grain of salt and please laugh.....please. I love my Mom because she is a bit of a clutz. Oh how we've laughed at her embarrassing moments. Here's just a few:
Stuffing cotton balls in your bathing suit and then thinking it would be a good idea to go swimming. Traci pretending she didn't know you as your cotton balls floated out of your bathing suit and all over the pool.
Sneezing a "logi" on the guy in front of us, while waiting in line to reserve our hotel room in Mexico.
Dropping your spaghetti sauce at Sebaros and having it spray all over your pants. Then you replacing your spaghetti sauce stained pants with your short running shorts you had just bought. We still had shopping to do, there was no time to go home and change. I'll never forget your outfit that day: button-up blouse, short running shorts, and high-heal sandals! Do you remember we saw Anne Heaston that day? I still wonder what she was thinking.....
Losing your wig while riding on a roller coaster with Dad on a date. Losing your wig a second time while making-out at the drive-in!
Mom, I love you for not only your perfections, but also for your imperfections!
My Mom has a tender and sensitive heart! She gets hurt easily, therefore, she is very sensitive to not hurt other feelings. I'm still sorry Mom for making fun of your purple polka-dot beach cruiser and making you cry, you can totally pull off your beach-cruiser with dignity and rock!
More than anything in the world, I want to thank my Mom for teaching me the tools to be a good Mom. She has taught me the importance of service, unconditional love(which I have not mastered), how to live a spiritual Christ centered life, love of nature, patience, and the importance of gratitude for the little things in life.
Anne Marie
I love JoAnn too. I feel like she is a second mom to me. I love your mom's cooking...I love her bbq brisket, and her chicken and rice. I love that she loves to garden too just like my mom did and that they would often sit outside for hours talking about plants!
What a nice tribute to her Anne Marie. I hope she gets to read this. You really do have one of the best mom's out there!!
Awwww, I love JoAnn too. She is one of the most "real" people I've ever met. She is always herself and always kind. Mostly I love JoAnn for still being my friend even after I wrecked the family van 15 years ago! :)
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